Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ciera Burnett

Liba 102

March 11, 2011

Professor Russell


What is journalism and how is the media different today? Journalism is gathering information for the news or newspaper. It has been stated that there are different types of journalism. For example, you have broadcast, print, and internet journalism. Broadcast journalism is for the radio and television. Printed journalism is for anything printed on paper. Internet Journalism can go from social networks to blogging about the latest events. It has come to much attention that people do not prefer all types of journalism/media. Do you agree or disagree? Personally I agree because I think that the more technology presented to people the more people will look toward technology to see what is going on. Fifty years ago, people would wake up early in the morning to read the newspaper but not anymore. Since broadcast journalism is something that you can actually see or hear, I wonder how it is different today.

Broadcast journalism is when you receive your news through the radio or television, but not on the printed items. Research has stated that broadcast journalism has been around since the 1940s. With that information being shared, do you think that broadcast journalism has been changed? In my opinion, broadcast journalism has changed a little since technology has improved over the years. Every day the public is coming out with the last Mac or the next Ipad. Broadcasting really is still the same concept but with innovations and adjustments. When I say innovation and adjustments, I mean special effects. When it comes to broadcast journalism, do you think that people prefer this type of journalism over print and internet journalism today? In my opinion, I think that it depends on the generation to see what type of journalism people prefer today. When it come to the younger generation you can never get them to pick up a book, so when the news is presented to them electronically with effects it draws their attention to what is going on. Whereas you place a book in front of them twenty minutes later, they are sleep with their heads inside the book. The older generation watches and listens to broadcasting journalism but they may prefer to read about what is going on instead of someone telling them.

Printed journalism is any and everything that is printed. For example, magazines, books, newspapers, and brochures are all examples of print journalism. Print journalism has been around since the 17th century. Newspapers are the most common when it comes to print journalism. “Many newspapers of the time were not objective or neutral in tone like the papers we know today.”(Rogers) The newspaper today is more descriptive and most times have a message to them. For example, when the paper is talking about a public shooting, it states a message that we should be against gun violence instead of talking about what is important. Most people that work in an office are normally the ones who turn to the newspaper because they do not have time to sit around and watch what is going on the news electronically. I think that anybody can pick up a newspaper and read it but the question is would they rather read the news electronically.

Finally, Internet journalism is anything that is shown or can be found electronically. This type of journalism is one of the newest types of journalisms there is. People use the internet everyday to see the latest news on what is going on in the world, at school, church, or even the work place. “Internet journalism gives individuals up-to-the-minute updates on stories that affect their lives. This form of media can be accessed from virtually anywhere there is an Internet connection.”(Green) The reason for this is because the things on the internet are update almost every minute. You can refer to internet journalism as a social network, blog, or even a webcast. I say that because every time someone dies or something crazy happens you can look on Twitter or Facebook and find out what is going on. If it is something that really touches someone heart like what happened in Katrina they would probably make a webcast. I think that most people prefer internet journalism now days because technology is just improving more and more. It is just more conventient because you can always check the web on the go. I still say that it depends on the generation when it comes to what type of journalism people prefer today. When it comes to internet journalism, it refers to the younger age group because they are more knowledgeable with the web than the older generation.

In conclusion, “Each form of media provides different benefits for the public. Broadcast journalism offers pictures to go along with short informative stories. This gives viewers a visual to go with the story. Individuals can receive updates several times a day through this media. Print media allows individuals the paper or magazine to hold, read, and reread if they miss a topic. Internet journalism gives individuals up-to-the-minute updates on stories that affect their lives. This form of media can be accessed from virtually anywhere there is an Internet connection.” (Green) With all the research and data that I have looked at, I have concluded that people prefer all types of journalism as long as they get information that they need to know. The journalism that is taking over the industry is internet journalism and that is because it can be accessed anywhere you go. Whereas other types of media are not as simple. I say as long as the electronic/technology industry keeps growing the more people will be drawn to internet journalism. In the upshot of this, people are going to choose the type of journalism that best fits their lifestyle. For existence, college students use the internet journalism because it is easier for them to access.

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